Welcome to Immerse Photography!

Jason & Brittany

February 16, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Let me just begin by saying that I adore this couple.

Adore. Them.

Brittany and Jason met in Australia while Brit was on vacation.  After a long distance relationship, she moved to the other side of the world and they were married.  Due to the distance however, their family and friends in Ohio couldn't join the party.  So they decided to have a second wedding here in the fall.  We did all our planning long distance, but the moment we met in person, I knew we were going to have an incredible time!  They offered to buy me Starbucks, they told me " we just want you to be creative!" and they had a fondue reception.

Let me repeat that.

They had a fondue reception.  

Seriously, people.  It can't get better than that!  Besides the fondue, as a photographer and artist, it is so freeing to have clients who trust me and the creative process.  While there were certainly some "must have" shots that they wanted from the day, Brittany and Jason were more concerned with the little moments that would tell the story of their day.  And they trusted me to make that happen for them.  As an artist, that was incredibly inspiring and motivating!

The day began at Brittany's mom's house as the bridesmaids had their hair and make-up done... and perhaps sang a few Whitney Houston songs.  Loudly.  And with hairbrush microphones.  And perhaps a little drama.  But just a little.

Despite the thunder and drizzle, we found an amazing spot for pictures right across the street.  The fall colors and lush green lawn were perfect backdrops for the girls dresses!  I loved how beautifully all their dresses coordinated!  While they intentionally weren't the same style, the colors blended together beautifully!  I loved all the varying hues of champagne and blush!



While the ladies were getting ready at home, Jason and his guys were getting themselves ready at the church.  Brittany's grandfather had a room dedicated to his memory, and that's exactly where the guys were taken to get ready!  I love the little hug between Jason and his mom.... can't you just feel that moment?!



One of the things I loved about their wedding was their family.  Everyone seemed to be involved in some way!  Brittany's sister and brother in law played music during the reception.  Her cousins did readings during the ceremony.  And they ALL had a great time together at the reception.... you'll see that for yourself!



When we arrived at the Patterson House for their reception, we spent a few minutes taking photographs on the grounds.  Brittany, Jason and their bridal party were such willing (and photogenic) models!  At one point I laid down on the ground to get a picture of the bridal party jumping in mid-air.  

Well.... I got the shot... but had also inadvertently laid down in a pile of dog poop.  Yes.  You read that correctly.  Just take a moment to imagine my reaction.  Yup.  Awe.some.  Thankful that my assistant Kimmy was there to help me clean-up the mess and that Brittany and Jason were willing to laugh it off with us!



Once all the formal and group shots were done, I spent a few minutes just focusing on Brittany and Jason.  I loved the way they looked at each other.  You could see in their eyes that they simply adored each other!  All those little tender moments just took my breath away....



After entering the reception in style, the bridal party took their seats for the food and festivities!  We heard a personal toast from Heather and Jason's brother translated several Aussie phrases for the crowd.  Oh how I wish I could remember some of them now - EVERYONE was laughing!



Do you remember me mentioning their family?  Here they are.  Almost all of them.  While it took a VERY helpful DJ, a microphone, and me standing on a chair to make this group shot happen, I think it's fair to say they were all happy to be part of the fun!



Before the night dissolved into dancing, we enjoyed the cake cutting and the couple's first dance.  Can I just take a moment to tell you about their cake?  Because it was amazing.  Ah.ma.zing.  I'm not exactly sure what was...  but there was some sort of maple syrup or maple drizzle or something else yummy..... and it's possible I smuggled a piece home for my kids!  It was that good.  

Seriously.  You should have a maple syrup wedding cake too.  Everyone will love you.



After the main events were finished, their wedding guests hit the dance floor and spent the rest of the night having a great time together!  There was at least one conga line, a pair of split pants, and lots of laughter through it all!



Brittany and Jason, thank you SO MUCH for allowing me to be a part of your special day!  While I'm heartbroken that you live so far away, I count myself blessed to be able to call you both friends!  I wish you so many blessings in the years to come and I cannot wait to see you when you come home!



Opening Party at Ignite Yoga!

January 28, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Can I just begin by saying that yoga is a blessing to me?  A blessing.

My perfectionistic heart is forever tempted to push for more.  More achievements.  More to do.  More ideas.  More, more, more.  It is hard to allow myself to be still and simply enjoy the moment that is now.  In fact, I will go so far as to say that sometimes, I don't even know how to be still.

Through my yoga practice, I'm slowly learning that more isn't better.  It's just more.

I have been truly blessed by practicing at Ignite Yoga Studio in Centerville!  Justina and her team of instructors are absolutely amazing and radiate joy!  When I was asked to photograph their studio months ago, I jumped at the chance to work with such a talented group of women!  Now here we are, half a year later, and I call these girls my friends!  

This past weekend we celebrated the grand opening of their new studio and had an absolute blast!  


Two goal coaches from LuLu Lemon joined the party and spent an hour encouraging everyone to envision their best life.  We cleared the room, we wrote some goals, and we may all be dreaming *just a little bit* bigger than we were before!



If you're looking for an amazing yoga studio, Ignite Yoga is your new home!  I promise, you can find a class that meets you where you are - even if that's at the very beginning.  And, if you're like me, there's even a chance you'll learn to relax every once in a while.  

Click here to head over to their website and tell Justina I sent you!


NEW Workshop Dates and Seats Available!

January 25, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Well.... sometimes things just don't go the way we plan, do they?!  Despite selecting and promoting the date months ago, preparing our class space, updating presentations and worksheets, making copies, sending emails, buying snacks.... I guess today's workshops just weren't meant to be!

While I was pretty wrecked about it this morning, I'm slowly beginning to see this as a blessing.  Many of you were interested in taking one of the classes to learn more about your camera, but today's date simply didn't work out in your schedule.  Now, thanks to TWO new workshops dates, everyone can join us!!!


If you were registered for today's classes, you are guaranteed a seat in the class of your choosing.  Please contact me at [email protected] ASAP to let me know which classes you'll be attending!  If you're excited about the new classes and would like to join us, you may grab your seat by clicking on this link!

Additionally, cause this girl loves a good snow day, all classes are on sale for $20 off if you register by Sunday 01/26 at midnight!!!!  Use coupon code "SNOWDAY" at checkout for your discount!  After you register for the class, be sure to share this post on facebook and encourage your friends to join you!

I'll see you in class!


PS - Still not sure the classes are right for you?  Want more info?  Email me or check out this blog post for more details!

Workshops are NEXT WEEKEND!!! Have you grabbed your seat?!

January 19, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Oh my goodness, people!  Immerse Photography's beginner and intermediate workshops are next weekend!  Have you grabbed a few friends and registered for a class?  Not yet?  Well... why not?!  You are going to learn SO MUCH during these workshops and I promise that your photography will never be the same!

In the intermediate class, we'll be covering what all those different "modes" on your cameras do and how they affect your images.  All the tulip images were taken on the same day, with the same camera, at the same time.  The only difference was the setting that I was using!  Once you know a few little tricks your images can be just as amazing!

Click here to register for one or both of the classes!  And be sure to enter code "MYFRIENDSENTME" at check-out to save $15!  But hurry, there is only one seat left in the beginners class and only a few more in the intermediate class!

I cannot wait to hang out with you and rock your photography world!  See you in class!

Snow is supposed to be white... right?!

December 06, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

If you're anything like me, you're super excited about all this gorgeous snow!  And if you're not like me, you're at least enjoying your hot chocolate and fireplace... so it's not all bad, right?!  Either way though, if you have kids you will find yourself out in the snow at some point this weekend!  Those little buggers just love the white stuff and, inevitably, always do something photo worthy.  But a funny thing happens when you take pictures in the snow - all your pictures look depressing and gray.  

Let me let you in on a secret: you can fix that.  And it's easy.

It has NOTHING to do with what kind of camera you have; after all, a computer can't write an amazing novel without an author.  Right?!  Same thing with your camera.  YOU are in charge of your photos and YOU are the boss.  Say it with me, "I am the BOSS!"  Feels good doesn't it?!



I'll be teaching you MANY more tricks at my Intro to Photography course on January 25th called, "Dear Camera, You're Not the Boss of Me!"  If you find this tutorial helpful, but sure to click and "like" Immerse Photography on Facebook and then register for either my beginner or intermediate photography course by clicking here!

First of all, here's the technical side of what's going on (I'll explain the easy stuff later).  Your camera always tries to balance the amount of black, white, and gray in your pictures.  When it sees a lot of snow, it assumes your scene is really bright and tries to darken it for you.  Well, what your camera doesn't know is that you WANT your picture to look bright and white!  So we have to be the boss of our camera in this situation and tell it what to do!  We have to tell our cameras, "Hey, I want my picture to be bright!  Work with me!"  So we're going to overexpose our images by changing just a few little settings.



Some cameras have a "snow" scene (check out your manual or google it).  If you've got one of those snow modes, use it!  If not, look for the over/under expose button on your camera. Move the "exposure" until it reads +2 (see pix).  Now take a picture.  Just right?  Great!  Have fun!  Too bright?  Lower the exposure to +1.  Keep taking test pictures until your snow looks white AND your colors don't look washed out.  Once you have found the perfect exposure, you're good to go!



Just be sure to use that wrist strap so you don't drop your camera in the snow.  Because sometimes your kids will run into you while they're sledding.  And then you'll drop your camera.  And then you'll cry.  I'm not saying that I've done it... this is all just completely true hypothetically speaking.

Check out these shots to see some examples.  I took the dark pictures with my big girl camera set on auto.  WAY too dark!  To make my white look right, I turned my camera to aperture priority mode and over exposed by +1.7 to get the brighter image.  (You can also do this in manual and shutter priority modes - check your manual for more info).  Please know that all of these images are straight out of camera and have NOT been edited in any way.

This is not smoke and mirrors people!  It actually works and YOU can do it too!

One very important thing to remember: turn your exposure back to 0 when you're finished! otherwise the next time you use your camera EVERYTHING will be overexposed!

Good luck and have fun with your new skills!  If you found this tutorial insightful, please SHARE the link on your Facebook page and tell your friends!  Also, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see some before and after shots of your snow photos!  Email them to me at [email protected] and earn $10 off your workshop tuition!  See you in class!



PS - there are only 12 of 24 seats left in the workshops.... so don't wait to register!





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